Tooth Whitening
Tooth Whitening
"discoloured teeth can be one of the first signs of aging"
There are many reasons for discoloured teeth.
EXTRINSIC (outer surface of enamel)
diet related
poor oral hygiene
erosion (thinning of enamel)
recession (shrinking of the gums)
INTRINSIC (inner part of enamel)
childhood diseases
development of enamel
medication taken by mother when in utero
antibiotics in early childhood
The Science of Whitening
The science of whitening allows us to gently break down the carbon molecules within the enamel tubules.
With a thorough consultation and management of expectation we can find the whitening solution for you. We have a excellent range of options. In some cases more extensive treatment planning with your dentist maybe necessary for the optimal result (veneers, white fillings, crowns).
*The results last as long as your commitment to whitening maintenance.